Money Quotient offers a robust calendar of learning opportunities throughout the year. Each program is designed to provide important information and valuable insights regarding Money Quotient’s True Wealth™ Planning Process and related topics of interest. Presenters include researchers, educators, authors, MQ Team Members, and MQ Partners.
Below you will find courses sponsored by Money Quotient, Inc through the School of True Wealth and by MQ Research and Education through MQU.
Fundamentals Course
“Fundamentals of True Wealth Planning” (FTWP) is our foundational training course, and serves as a prerequisite for acquiring Money Quotient tools and resources. The purpose of FTWP is to provide participants with a thorough overview of Money Quotient’s unique process for delivering life-centered financial planning services.
Included in this 3-day seminar is an introduction to our philosophical foundation and the academic theories that have shaped the development of our tools and training. In addition, we provide invaluable hands-on experience with the full suite of MQ materials, and facilitate important discussions regarding implementation and related practice management issues.
This intensive 3-day course covers both the philosophical foundation and practical application of the MQ True Wealth model. We typically host three to four FTWP sessions per year in Portland, OR; and also conduct private sessions at the invitation of firms, study groups, and organizations. Click to Register